Wemade Terms of Service

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. (Purpose)

The purpose of this Terms of Service is to define the rights and obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary measures of the company and service users regarding the use of game services and related networks, websites, and other services (hereinafter "Services") provided by Wemade Co., Ltd (hereinafter "Company").

Article 2. (Definition of Terms)

1. The definition of the terms used in the Terms of Service is as follows.

1) The "Company" refers to the business which provides services online or through mobile devices.

2) The "User" refers to the person who enters into a user agreement in accordance with the Terms of Service and uses the services provided by the Company.

3) "Game Service" refers to the game and any other related services provided by the Company to the users.

4) "Mobile Devices" refers to devices such as mobile phones, smartphones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), or tablet PCs which can be used to install or download content.

5) "User Information" refers to the information that the users provided to the Company such as user number and external account information, device information, nickname, profile picture, friends list, etc., game usage information (team information, item, Team Strength, etc.), service payment information, etc.

6) "Content" refers to the free and paid content created digitally (game and network service, applications, game money, game items, etc.) related to providing the game service.

7) "Paid Content" refers to the content that can be used by users by in-game paid purchases.

8) "Free Content" refers to the content provided to users free of charge (including paid content provided free of charge).

9) "Game World" refers to a virtual variable world created and implemented by the Company to allow multiple users to play games in accordance with a set rule or to use the game as entertainment, a medium of information, and building interactions with other users to establish friendly relations, etc.

10) "Team" refers to the game data that are selected and controlled by users according to the method provided by the Company within the game world in order to use the game service.

11) "Account (ID)" refers to the combination of words and numbers selected by the user and given by the Company for the user's identification and using the game service.

12) "Account Information" refers to the regular information provided to the Company from the user for using the game service, device information, game use information such as team information/item/Team Strength, paid purchase information, etc.

13) "Open Market" refers to the electronic commerce environment where game content can be installed and purchased on a mobile device.

14) "Application" refers to any program that is downloaded and installed through a mobile device or a launcher program provided by the Company in order to use the services provided by the Company.

15) "Temporary Member" refers to the person who uses the services provided by the Company by only offering partial information through the "guest login feature."

2. The definition of terms used in the Terms of Service, other than what is stated in Article 1, refers to the definition of relevant regulations and policies of each service, and terms which have not been defined follow the common commercial practices.

Article 3 (Providing Company Information, etc.)

The Company displays the following subparagraphs within the game service so that users can easily understand them. However, the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service can be viewed on separate pages.

1. Company name and representative name

2. Office address (including the address where a user's complaints can be processed)

3. Phone number and email address

4. Business registration number

5. Mail order sales registration number

6. Privacy Policy

7. Terms of Service

Article 4 (Terms of Service Validity and Changes)

1. The Company displays the content of the Terms of Service for the users to understand in the game service, related pages, or the official community page.

2. If the Company changes the Terms of Service, the effective date, content, and the reasons for the change will be notified in the game service or its related pages at least 7 days before the effective date. However, if the changed Terms of Service is unfavorable to the user or is a significant change, the user must be notified 30 days before the effective date following the previous method in this body and the method under Article 27 Paragraph 1. In this case, the content before and after the change will be compared and displayed clearly so that users can easily understand them.

3. When the Company changes the Terms of Service, the Company will ask the users for consent to apply the change after the change notification has been posted. When the Company makes the notice or notifies according to Paragraph 2, the Company will also make notice or notify that if the user does not express any agreement or disagreement on the change, it will be deemed as if they had agreed as part of the explanation. If the user does not express any agreement or disagreement before the effective date, they will be deemed as if they have agreed to the change in the Terms of Service.

4. If the user does not consent to the changes in the Terms of Service, the Company or the user can terminate their Service user agreement contract.

5. The user must check the Terms of Service's changes, and the Company is not responsible for damages that occur from the negligence of the user from not reading and knowing the changed Terms of Service.


7. The Company will provide measures for the user to have a question and answer session related to the content of the Terms of Service and the Company.

Article 5 (Signing and Creating User Agreement)

1. User agreement is signed by the person wanting to become a user (hereinafter "Admission Applicant") by first consenting to the Terms of Service's content, applying for the Service usage agreement, and then getting their application approved by the Company.

2. Teenagers (includes those under 18 years old and who are students enrolled in high schools according to the「ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT」Article 2) must have the consent of a legal guardian for applying to the usage agreement, and the specific consent procedure will be in accordance with the 「GAME INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACT」 and other procedures provided by the Company according to enforcement decrees and relevant legislations.

3. The Company will approve the Admission Applicant's application by principle. However, the Company may reject the usage agreement application if any applies to the following subparagraphs.

1) Applying to the user agreement after violating Article 5

2) Using false information or not being able to fulfill the requirements of the usage agreement

3) A user applying to the user agreement with a record of service restrictions within the past 3 months

4) Using abnormal or circumventive methods to use the Service in countries outside of where the Company provides its Services

- It is impossible to use the Service outside the areas where the Service is provided officially.

- The Company is not responsible for any problems caused by the user connecting or using the Service outside of the approved countries and areas.

5) Applying with the intent to engage in behaviors that are forbidden in「GAME INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACT」, 「ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION」, and other related laws

6) Applying with the intent to disrupt the social well-being and order or general social norm

7) Having the intent to use the game service for unlawful practices

8) Having the intent to use the game service for profit

9) A user belonging to a rival competitor applying to join with the intent to undermine the Company's profit

10) Using another user's information or mobile device without permission

11) Applying using a mobile device where the service has been restricted

12) Other reasons similar to the subparagraphs listed above, when it is deemed inappropriate for approval

4. The company may withhold any approvals if any apply to the following subparagraphs and may do so until the issue is resolved.

1) When the Company's facilities are not suited for the task, when it is difficult to support certain types of mobile devices, or when there are cases of technical difficulties

2) When there is a service failure or failure in the service fee or payment methods

3) If any of the reasons apply to one of the subparagraphs in Paragraph 3

4) Other reasons similar to the items stated above, when is deemed difficult to approve the application

5. When a user completes entering the information needed for the Terms of Service consent process or using the Service, the Company must immediately allow the user to use the Service if there are no grounds to withhold or reject them. However, the Company may restrict or terminate the service if any of the issues listed in Paragraph 2 are found in the future.

Article 6. (Regulations Outside the Terms of Service)

Regarding details that are not specified in the Terms of Service and the interpretation of the Terms of Service, they are processed based on relevant laws and commercial practices such as 「ACT ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE」, 「ACT ON THE REGULATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS」, 「GAME INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACT」, 「ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION」, and 「CONTENT INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACT」.

Article 7. (Operation Policy)

1. The Company can set necessary details to apply the Terms of Service, and to protect the rights of users and maintain order within the game world, it can set definite ranges within the Terms of Service and delegate it to the game service Operation Policy (hereinafter "Operation Policy").

2. The Company displays the content of the Operation Policy for the users to understand in the game service, related pages, or the official community page.

3. When the Operation Policy is changed, it follows the procedures in Article 4 Paragraph 2. However, if any of the Operation Policy change applies to the following subparagraphs, the Company notifies in advance in accordance with the procedures of Article 2.

1) A specific part selected within the Terms of Service that will be delegated is changed

2) The changed part is not related to the user's rights and obligations

3) The change in the Operation Policy is not fundamentally different from the Terms of Service content and the Operation Policy change is within the parameters of user predictions

4) If the content of the Operation Policy differs from the content of this Terms of Change, the Operation Policy takes precedence in the application.

Chapter 2. Personal Information Management

Article 8. (Personal Information Protection and Use)

1. The Company aims to protect the user's personal information set by relevant legislation and follows the relevant legislation and the Company's Privacy Policy for the protection and use of personal information. However, the Company's Privacy Policy is not applied to third-party services that are simply linked with the homepage and game service websites.

2. Due to the nature of the Service, information that introduces yourself such as nicknames unrelated to the user's personal information, team photos, status information, and personal introduction descriptions may be displayed.

3. The Company will not provide the user's personal information to others without the user's consent, with the exception of requests related to legislation from relevant state institutions.

4. The user must take care of their own personal information to use the game services. If their personal information changes, it should be applied accordingly. The Company is not responsible for damage from user negligence caused by the changes in personal information being delayed or omitted.

5. In addition to Paragraph 4, the Company is not responsible for any damage caused by personal information and user account information being leaked due to the user's own fault.

Chapter 3. User Agreement Obligations

Article 9. (Company Obligations)

1. The Company adheres to the relevant legislation and shall perform the exercising of rights and following obligations set by the Terms of Service in good faith.

2. In order for the user to safely use the service, the Company must have a security system for personal information (including credit information) protection, and notify and follow the Privacy Policy. The Company must not reveal or provide user's information to a third party with the exception of requests related to legislation from relevant state institutions.

3. To provide a continuous and stable service, the Company must repair and restore to the best of its ability when encountering service equipment malfunctions or its data is lost or damaged, unless there is an issue that cannot be resolved such as a natural disaster, an emergency, or a malfunction and defect that cannot be solved with the current technology.

Article 10. (User Obligations)

1. The user must be truthful for all of the information submitted when applying for the user agreement and cannot claim any rights if they have registered false information or for other person's ID.

2. The user should not engage in behaviors mentioned in the following subparagraphs regarding the use of the Service provided by the Company.

1) The act of submitting false information for applying to user agreement of changing user information, or using other people's information.

2) The act of selling or giving, transferring, or obtaining to use cyber assets (ID, team, players, items, game money, etc.) through abnormal Services or methods not provided by the Company

3) The company does not take responsibility for the damage caused by the use of VPN (Virtual Private Network).

4) The act of posing as others or falsely representing a relationship with others, such as impersonating the Company's employee or operator and stealing another person's identity to post (chat, posts, comments, etc.) or send emails

5) The act of purchasing paid content by stealing another person's credit card, landline/wireless phone, bank account, etc. and stealing another person's information (including personal information and payment information) such as unlawfully using another user's ID and password

6) The act of collecting another user's personal information to collect, save, and post, or distribute without authorization

7) The act of using the Service in an unsound way such as engaging in gambling or encouraging gambling, sharing or posting obscene and vulgar information or connecting (giving a link) to obscene sites, sending or distributing words, sounds, writing, pictures, photos, or video evoking shame, disgust, or horror to another user

8) The act of using the Service in a way that was not originally intended, such for profit, sales, advertisements, promotions, political acts, and election campaigns

9) The act of using the information collected from the Company's service to copy, distribute, and instigate or for commercial purposes

10) The act of gaining profit for or causing loss to oneself or others through the Company's Service or related behaviors, such as exploiting a known or unknown bug to use the service unlawfully and getting a refund without a valid reason by exploiting the payment process

11) The act of deceiving another to gain profit and the act of causing damage to another person related to using the Company's Service

12) The act of infringing the intellectual property or portrait rights of the company or another person, and damaging or causing harm to another person's reputation

13) The act of intentionally sending, posting, distributing, or using the information (computer programs) that is prohibited to be sent or posted by the legislation, or intentionally sending, posting, distributing, or using viruses, computer codes, files, programs, etc. designed to disrupt the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or destroy them

14) The act of changing the game service, adding or inserting other programs in the game service, hacking or reverse engineering the server, distributing or changing the source code or game service data, building another separate server, and changing or stealing a part of the website to impersonate the Company without receiving special rights from the Company

15) The act of building, distributing, using, and advertising computer programs or devices not provided or authorized by the Company

16) The user cannot use the Service for business activities to gain profit for oneself or others without prior approval from the Company, and they will take full responsibility for the result of the activities.

17) In the case that a third party makes an appeal or asks for compensation against the Company for the unauthorized business activity mentioned in Subparagraph 15, the user must use their own expenses to indemnify. If there are damages to the Company, the Company can ask for compensation for the damage caused by the user. However, this does not apply if the damage was caused by the Company intentionally, through gross negligence, or failed to take measures to prevent the damage.

18) The act of paying money, etc. to request another person to play the game (account boosting)

19) The act of changing information posted by the Company

20) The act of advertising or encouraging behaviors of Subparagraph 1 through Subparagraph 18

21) The act of violating related legislations or going against honest customs and social conventional ideals

3. The user has an obligation to check and follow the Terms of Service regulations, notified cautions related to the use guide and game service, and notices from the Company.

4. The user is responsible for managing the user account and online/mobile devices, and must not allow other people to use them. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused by the user's poor management of their user account and online/mobile devices, and allowing another person to use their account.

5. The user must set and manage the payment password in order to prevent unlawful payments from being made from each open market. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused by user negligence.

6. The Company can decide the specific content for each of the following subparagraphs as well as those from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 5, and the user must follow them.

1) User's account name, team name, etc. and other names used in-game

2) Chat content and method

3) How to use boards and Services

4) Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. external partner platform service policy

5) Restrictions on how to play the game

6) Other details needed for service operations that do not infringe upon the fundamental rights of the user to use the Service

7. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused by the user's violation. If the Company receives a loss or is expected to make a loss due to the user's violation, the Company may restrict service use, claim damages, or other such measures to the user.

Chapter 4. Service Use and Restrictions

Article 11. (Providing Service)

1. The Company must immediately allow a user to use its Service for a user who has completed the user agreement according to the regulations on Article 5. However, for some Services, the Company can begin at the specified date depending on the Company's needs.

2. When the Company provides a game service to the user, it may provide other additional Services including the Services set in this Terms of Service.

3. The Company may classify the user's rank and segmentize the use time, use frequency, and the range of provided Services to differentiate the Services it offers.

4. The Company is not responsible for any damage to the user related to the free service provided by the Company. However, this does not apply if the damage was caused by the Company intentionally or through gross negligence.

Article 12. (Using the Service)

1. The game service is provided during the set time according to the Company's sales policy. The Company notifies the game service time on the game's initial screen or the official community notice in an appropriate manner. If there is no information or notices, the base rule of 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is used to provide the Service.

2. Despite Paragraph 1, the following subparagraphs allow the Company to partly or entirely pause the Service and do not have any obligation to provide game services during these times.

1) When there are server expansions and replacement, computers and other telecommunication equipment maintenance and replacement, system regular maintenance, or changes need to be made for game content or service

2) When it is hard to provide normal Service due to blackouts, service equipment malfunctions, excessive use of service, unstable network, or equipment maintenance from key telecommunications service providers, etc.

3) When circumstances beyond the Company's control such as wars, conflicts, natural disasters, emergencies, or national emergencies occur

4) When time is needed to deal with electronic breach incidents such as hacking, telecommunication incidents, abnormal game behavior from users, and other unforeseen game service instability

5) When the relevant legislation and regulation ban providing the service at a certain time or method or to certain users

6) When other reasonable reasons for stopping the service exists

3. The Company can stop the game service by setting a certain time in the case of Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 1. In this case, the Company will notify the information to the users beforehand on the initial screen or official community.

4. The Company can stop the game service without prior notice in the case of Paragraph 2 Paragraph 4. In this case, the Company may notify the information on the game's initial screen or the official community at a later time.

5. The Company provides a service using mobile device-specific applications or networks. The user can download the application to install or use the network to use its free or paid Services.

6. In the case of paid content, it can only be used after the specified fee is paid. Additional fees from mobile carriers may occur when downloading the application and using the service through the network.

7. The downloaded and installed applications or Services that require networks will be provided according to the mobile device or mobile carrier's characteristics. If there is a change in the mobile device or the number and in the case of international roaming, you may not be able to use all or part of the content, and the Company is not responsible in such cases.

8. The downloaded and installed applications or Services that require networks may have background tasks running. In this case, additional fees can occur to meet the mobile device or mobile carrier's characteristics, and the Company is not responsible for such cases.

Article 13. (Service Change and Termination)

1. Through the game service, the Company provides users with a game world within the virtual world created and implemented by the Company, and it has comprehensive rights to create, add, change, maintain, and keep the maintenance the game content.

2. The Company has an obligation to protect the game world and take necessary measures to maintain order and the integrity of the game world.

3. The Company can install or change (update) individual programs, security programs, purchase modules, and other programs necessary for Service use without additional consent from the user in order to create a smooth enjoyable Service. However, the user must be notified and asked for approval before installing programs unrelated to the use of the Service such as advertisement programs.

4. The Company may change the Service depending on the operational or technical needs to provide a smooth enjoyable game service, and must notify the changed information prior to the change in the game service. However, the Company may notify the change afterwards if the change needs to be made urgent such as fixing bugs or errors and emergency updates, if the change is minor, or if the circumstances demand it due to issues such as server device malfunctions or emergency security issues.

5. The Company may terminate the entire service in the case of business closure due to business transfer, division, or merger, the contract for providing the game ending, significant financial loss in the game service that year, and other reasons making it hard to continue the game service. In this case, the closure date, reason for closure, reward conditions, etc. must be notified in the game's initial screen, its related pages, or the official community 30 days prior according to the methods in Article 27 Subparagraph 1 to the user.

6. In the case of Paragraph 5, the Company refunds any paid items that are unused or have usable time left according to Article 24 Paragraph 3.

Article 14. (Collection of Information, etc.)

1. The Company can save and store the chat content between the users, and only the Company will store this information. The Company may access this information in the case of resolving disputes between the users, civil complaints, or to maintain the game's order. For any third parties, they must have the authority given by the legislation to access this information.

2. When the Company or a third party accesses the chat information in accordance with Paragraph 1, the Company must notify the relevant user of the reason and scope for the access beforehand. However, if the information must be accessed in accordance with Article 10 Paragraph 1 for banned practice investigation, handling, and confirmation, or for damage relief for the activity, the Company may notify the user at a later time.

3. For smooth and stable operation of its Service and to improve its Service quality, the Company can collect and make use of the details excluding user's personal information, such as users' device settings and specifications (including PC), information on currently running programs, users' mobile device settings (settings, specifications, OS, versions, etc.).

4. The Company can request additional information from the user with the intent of improving its Services or introducing its Services to the user. For this request, the user may accept or refuse to give the information, and if the Company is making the request, it notifies that the user may refuse the request.

5. The Company may request the user's identification card, mobile identification, or other similar certificates to verify the user's identity after asking the reason (or use) for the certification. The Company cannot use this for any other use not notified to the user and must fully destroy them in a method that makes recovery impossible after accomplishing its objective.

Article 15. (Providing Advertisements)

1. The Company can publish advertisements within the game service related to the Service's operation. It will be assumed that the users wanting to use the Service consent to the publishing of advertisements when using the Service.

2. The Company can send advertisement information through electronic mail, messaging services (LMS/SMS), push notifications, and other similar methods limited to the users who have consented to do so. In this case, the user can always refuse the reception at any time, and the Company must not send any advertising information when the user refuses to receive it.

3. Within the Service provided by the Company, users can be connected to the advertisement provided by other parties with the Service's banners or links.

4. If there is a connection to the advertisement or service by another party as stated in Paragraph 3, the service provided is not included in the Company's Service area. The Company does not guarantee any credibility or safety from this and is not responsible for any damage it causes to the user. However, this does not apply if the damage was caused by the company intentionally, through gross negligence, or failure to take measures to prevent the damage.

Article 16. (Attributions of Copyright, etc.)

1. The Company owns the copyright and other intellectual property rights for the content created by the Company within the game service, and it only grants the users the right to use the content under the conditions set by the Company related to the game service.

2. For the information obtained by using the game service provided by the Company, users should not use information based on the methods mentioned in the following subparagraphs or allow a third party to use for the information that has the intellectual property rights attributed to the Company or the provider without prior approval from the Company or the provider.

1) The intent to make a profit through copying, sending, announcing, publishing, distributing, performing, broadcasting, creating derivative works, and other similar methods

2) The intent to use it for the purpose prohibited by this Terms of Service or the Company's policies

3. The user permits communication, images, sound, and all data and information (hereinafter "User Content") including chat texts visible in the game or chat texts uploaded or sent by the user or others through game applications or game services regarding the game service to be used by the Company under the following methods and conditions.

1) Using the relevant User Content, changing the format of the edit format, and editing them (can be used in any of these manner of announcement including announcing, copying, performing, sending, distributing, broadcasting, creating derivative works, etc., and there are no limits to the use period and location)

2) Does not sell, lend, or transfer the User Content with the intent to make a transaction without prior consent from the User Content's creator

4. The Company will not use the User Content that is not seen in-game and is not integrated within the game service (for example, posts from the normal board which has no relation with the actual game's content) without the user's explicit consent, and the user can always delete such User Content.

5. The Company may take temporary measures, delete, move, or refuse the registration without prior notice if it deems the user post within the service to be a prohibited action according to Article 10 Paragraph 2.

6. Users whose legal interest has been infringed upon by the information posted on the board operated by the Company may request the Company to delete or post a rebuttal. In this case, the Company takes swift measures and notifies the applicant.

7. This article is valid while the game service is operated and applies continuously after Service withdrawal.

Article 17. (Purchase, Use Period, and Use of Paid Content)

1. Unless stated otherwise by the Company, the paid content purchased by the user within the game service can only be used in the relevant mobile device used to download and install the application or the launcher program provided by the Company, and the paid item can only be used in the service or content of where the relevant item was bought.

2. The user can only use the paid item within their own account unless there is any other method that has been determined by the Company, and cannot transfer, lend, or sell the paid item.

3. The use period of the paid content purchased by the user follows the use period stated upon purchasing the content. However, if the Service is stopped according to Article 13 Paragraph 5, the use period of the paid content without a fixed use period will be set as the Service suspension date notified on the Service suspension notice.

Article 18. (Service Use Restriction for Users)

1. The user must not violate other user's rights as stated in Article 10. If they do, they can be subject to the following use restrictions including service use restriction based on the categorization of following subparagraphs, deletion of relevant information (texts, photos, videos, etc.), other measures, etc. The detailed reason and procedure behind service restrictions are set in the Operation Policy for each individual game according to Article 19 Paragraph 1.

1) Team partial authority restriction: Limits certain authorities such as the user team's chat function

2) Team use restriction: Limits the use of the user's team for a certain period or permanently

3) Account partial authority restriction: Limits certain authorities of the user account such as being unable to write on a board for a certain time or permanently

4) Account use restriction: Limits the use of the user's account for a certain period or permanently

5) User use restriction: Limits the use of the user's game service for a certain period or permanently

2. The Company does not compensate any damage from the use restriction of the user in the case that the use restriction is justified.

3. The Company may stop service use for the relevant account until the investigation for the following subparagraphs has been completed.

1) When there is a valid report received that the account has been hacked or stolen

2) When the account is suspected of violating the law such as using illegal programs or engaging in bot farms

3) When there are other tentative service restriction measures needed for reasons similar to each subparagraph

4. After the investigation from Paragraph 3 is completed, paid service, in-game currency, etc. proportionate to the game service use period is rewarded to extend the service time for the suspended game service use period. However, this does not apply if the user applies to any of the reasons under Paragraph 3.

5. The user's game service can also be restricted in accordance with Paragraph 1 if the user's ID was used by another person to violate the Terms of Service or Operation Policy.

Article 19. (Reason and Procedure for Service Restriction Measures)

1. The Company takes consideration of all issues including the content, severity, frequency, result, etc. of the violation when establishing the specific reason and procedure for the use restriction in the Operation Policy.

2. When the Company decides to impose use restriction based on Article 18 Paragraph 1, the users will be notified in advance of the following subparagraphs. However, it can be notified at a later time if it needs to be taken care of immediately.

1) Reason of use restriction

2) Use restriction type and period

3) Appeal procedure for use restriction

Article 20. (Appeal Procedure for Use Restriction)

1. If a user wishes to object to the Company's use restriction measures, they must submit an appeal request form in either writing, electronic mail, or similar methods with the reason behind the objection within 15 days from the date of receiving the notice for the use restriction.

2. The Company will respond to the appeal in writing, electronic mail, or other relevant method 15 days after the appeal under Paragraph 1 has been submitted. However, if the Company finds it difficult to respond within the time period, the reason and process procedure are notified.

3. If the Company finds the reason for objection is justified, it will take appropriate measures.

Article 21. (Temporary Member Policy)

1. The Company may provide a guest login feature for the user's convenience.

2. The Temporary Member's account (guest account) is bound to the device; its account information may be lost due to activities that may move, lose, or falsify the device's data, such as a loss of the device, factory reset, or deletion of cache or data.

3. In cases where the Temporary Member's account information is lost due to the member's negligence or fault, such as a change or loss of the device, factory reset, deletion of cache or data, or synchronization with an OS account, the recovery of the lost information will not be possible.

4. The Temporary Member account does not support account deletion and does not ensure permanent use.

5. The Company addresses ways to link the account to open markets (Google, Apple, etc.) and other platforms and issues that may occur when the Temporary Member account is used without an account link on a "pop-up inside the service" or the "official community."

6. The Company is not responsible for any problems that occur when the user does not link their account.

Chapter 5. Subscription Withdrawal, Overpayment Refunds, and User Agreement Termination

Article 22. (Payment Purchase)

1. The levying and payment of content follow the policies or methods set by the mobile carriers or open market businesses on principle. Additionally, limits per payment method can be assigned or adjusted according to the policies set by the Company, mobile carriers, open market business, or government instructions.

2. In the case of using foreign currencies to make payments, the actual billing amount may be different from the price shown in the service's shop due to exchange rates and fees.

Article 23. (Subscription Withdrawal, etc.)

1. For the user who has entered a contract regarding the Company and paid content, the user may withdraw their subscription without any separate fees or penalty charge within 7 days with the latest date between the purchase contract date and the date the content was made available. Unless specified otherwise in the Operation Policy, subscription withdrawals related to service use or refunds must be requested directly to the Company through customer support.

2. The user may not withdraw their subscription according to Paragraph 1 against the will of the Company for each of the following subparagraphs. However, in the case of purchase contract consisting of parts, it does not apply to the remaining content that does not fall under the following subparagraphs.

1) Content that has been partially or completely lost or damaged for reasons attributed to the user

2) Paid content which is used or applied immediately upon purchase

3) Contents providing additional benefits or additional benefits being used or partially used in a bundled purchase content

4) When opening practices can be seen upon use or when there is an opening practice where the use of the content is decided upon use

5) When additional content (currencies, points, mileage, items, etc.) provided upon purchase has been partially used

6) When it is content obtained by using the content or Service provided for free by the Company

7) Other content where subscription withdrawal has been limited in accordance to related legislation by「ACT ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE」(hereinafter "「Electronic Commerce Act」")

3. In the case of content for which subscription withdrawal is not possible in accordance with Paragraph 2 Subparagraphs 2 to 7 of this article, the Company must clearly indicate this fact in a place where users can easily see it, and provide a test use product of the related content (limited use is allowed, trial use, etc.), and if it is difficult to provide such content, the Company must provide related information about the content so that it does not impede the user's right to withdraw the subscription. In the case where the Company does not take measures for these cases, the user may withdraw from the subscription despite the subscription withdrawal limitation in Paragraph 2 Subparagraphs 2 to 7.

4. Despite Paragraphs 1 and 2, if the content of purchased paid content is different from the content displayed or advertisements, or when it is implemented differently from the purchase contract, the user may withdraw the subscription within 3 months of the related content being available for use or 30 days before when the user was made aware or could have been made aware.

5. When the user withdraws the subscription, the Company checks the purchase history through the platform business or open market business. Additionally, the Company can contact the user from the information provided by the user to check the justification for subscription withdrawal and ask for additional proof.

6. When the subscription withdrawal is carried out according to the policy from Paragraphs 1 to 4, the Company must retrieve the user's paid content without delay and refund the payment within 3 business days. When the Company delays the refund, the delay interest for the delayed time period is calculated by multiplying the interest rate set by Article 21-3 of the 「Electronic Commerce Act」 and other such laws.

7. When the Company is refunding the payment according to Paragraph 6 and the consumer has made payment with the payment method of Article 18 Paragraph 3 of the「Electronic Commerce Act」, the Company will request to stop or cancel the payment to the payment company. However, when the Company has already received the payment from the payment company, the payment must be refunded to the payment company and the Company must notify the user of the fact.

8. When a minor enters a purchase contract from a mobile device without the consent of a legal guardian, the Company must be aware that the minor themselves or their legal guardian may cancel the contract. When the minor enters a purchase contract without the consent of a legal guardian, the minor themselves or their legal guardian may cancel the contract with the Company. However, if a minor purchases content with the asset that the legal guardian has set a range to be used or uses a method to make themselves look like an adult or make it seem like they have the consent from the legal guardian, the contract cannot be canceled.

9. To determine if the content purchase contractor is a minor, the device used for the purchase, information of the person executing the purchase, and the person's information within the payment method will be looked upon. The Company can also request documents to prove that the person requesting the cancellation of a contract is a minor or their legal guardian to confirm whether the cancellation request is justifiable.

10. The user can withdraw the subscription in writing (including electronic documents).

Article 24. (Overpayment Refunds)

1. When there is an overpayment, the Company must refund the overpaid amount back to the user using the exact method used to make the payment. However, if the overpayment occurs due to the user's negligence without the Company's intent or negligence, the actual amount of refund must be taken care of by the user within a reasonable amount.

2. Downloading the application or telecommunication fees (phone calls, data fees, etc.) caused by using network services may be excluded from the refund.

3. The payment made through the application must follow the payment method provided by the open market business, and if there are overpayments in the payment process, a refund must be requested to the Company or open market business.

4. Overpayment refund is processed according to the refund policy of each open market business or of the Company depending on the operating system type of the mobile device used for the Service.

5. When the Company refuses to refund the overpayment claimed by the user, the Company is responsible for proving that the use fee was properly charged.

6. Content which has been obtained by the user without paid purchase by obtaining them for free by using the service or free service provided by the Company through internal or external partnership events is excluded from the refund.

7. The Company may contact the user through the information provided by the user in order to process an overpayment refund, and the refund must be made within 3 business days from the date of receiving the necessary information required for the refund.

Article 25. (Contract Termination, etc.)

1. The user can terminate the user agreement at any time if they do not wish to use the service by deleting the account inside the service. All game information owned by the user within the game service will be deleted and cannot be recovered upon account deletion.

2. The Company may stop the service or terminate the user agreement by making a prior notice to the user if there is a serious reason why the contract cannot be maintained, such as the user violating the Terms of Service, Operation Policy, and the service policy. However, in the case that the user violates the law and causes damage to the Company intentionally or through gross negligence, the user agreement may be terminated immediately without prior notice.

3. The refund and compensation according to Paragraphs 1 and 2 follow the 「Content User Protection Guideline」.

4. To protect the personal information of the user who has not consecutively used the service of the company for 1 year from the last service use date (hereinafter "Dormant Account"), the Company may take measures such as canceling the user agreement and destroying the user's personal information, separating the personal information of the account (ID) and store and manage it separately with other users' personal information, and restricting from using the Service. In this case, the user must be notified at least 30 days prior to the date when the measures take place that the following measures may be taken such as canceling of the contract and destruction of personal information, as well as the personal information that will be destroyed.

5. In the case of Paragraph 2, the user loses the right to use the paid service and content, and cannot request a refund or compensation.

Chapter 6. Compensation, Indemnification Clauses, etc.

Article 26. (Compensation)

1. The Company or the user who violates this Terms of Service is obligated to compensate the damages to the party affected. However, this does not apply in the case where there was no intent or negligence.

2. In the case where there is a loss from the purchased paid service due to the imputation of the Company, the Company must revert this back before the loss is made. If it is impossible or difficult to revert back, the Company provides again the paid service with an equivalent value of the same type. However, if it is impossible or difficult to provide paid service of equivalent value, the Company must refund the purchase.

3. If a user violates this Terms of Service and causes damage to the Company, the user is obligated to compensate the damage to the Company.

4. In the case where the company enters into a partnership agreement with an individual service provider and provides individual services to the user, the responsibility of compensation falls into the individual service provider when the user receives loss due to the individual service provider's intent or negligence after agreeing to the Terms of Service.

Article 27 (Company's Indemnification Clauses)

1. The Company may be exempt from the obligation to provide the service in the event of wars, conflicts, natural disasters, emergencies, technological defects that cannot be solved using the current technology, or other inevitable forces making it impossible to provide the Service.

2. The Company is not responsible for any loss caused by service equipment maintenance, replacement, regular checkup, construction, etc. or loss caused by facilities-based telecommunications business entities stopping or improperly providing telecommunication services. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or negligence from the Company.

3. The Company is not responsible for disruptions caused by the errors from the user's own mobile device, issues caused by the user entering incorrect relevant information or not applying or recording the changes, or other service use issues caused by the user's intent or negligence. However, this does not apply when the user has an unavoidable or justifiable reason.

4. The Company is exempt from issues caused by overall problems caused by the user's computer environment or by the network environment that does not involve the company's intent or gross negligence.

5. The Company is not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information or the materials published by the user or a third party inside the game service or on websites related to the Company's Service unless there is intent or gross negligence.

6. The Company has no obligation to interfere with disputes between users or Service transactions that occur through another person and is not responsible for any loss occurring from them.

7. The Company is also not responsible for any damage to the user related to the free service provided by the Company. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or gross negligence from the Company.

8. The Company is not responsible for users losing or not being able to obtain results such as the desired team, experience, and items, and is not responsible for any damage caused by the user's choice or the use of the game service. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or gross negligence from the Company.

9. The Company is not responsible for loss regarding the user's game experience, rank, players, items, game money, etc. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or negligence from the Company.

10. The Company is not responsible for transactions carried out by a third party due to poor management of the user's mobile device password or the password for open market businesses. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or negligence from the Company.

11. The Company is not responsible for the user unable to use all or parts of the content due to a change in mobile device, mobile device's password, operating systems (OS), international roaming, or telecommunication company. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or negligence from the Company.

12. The Company is not responsible if the user deletes the content provided by the Company or deletes their account information. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or negligence from the Company.

13. The Company is not responsible for damages arising from the process of the Temporary Member's use of services. However, this does not apply in the case that occurred by intent or negligence from the Company.

Article 28. (Notification to Users)

1. When the Company notifies the user, it can be done through the user's electronic mail, electronic memo, in-game service messaging, text message (LMS/SMS), etc.

2. When the Company is giving notice to all of the users, it may substitute Paragraph 1 by posting the notice in the in-game service for more than 7 days or posting it on a pop-up screen, etc.

Article 29. (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

This Terms of Service is governed and construed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Korea. If a lawsuit is filed from the disputes between the Company and the user, the court will be set as the competent jurisdiction according to the procedures prescribed by law.

Article 30. (Member Grievance and Dispute Resolution)

1. The Company will provide guides on how to present users' opinions or complaints within the in-game service or related pages considering the user's convenience. The Company operates dedicated human resources to resolve user opinions and complaints.

2. When the Company finds that the opinions and complaints from the user are justifiable and objectively correct, they must be dealt with swiftly within a reasonable time period. However, if it takes a long time for the resolution process, the process and reason behind the long process time must be notified within the in-game service or according to Article 27 Paragraph 1.

3. If a dispute arises between the Company and the user and a third-party dispute resolution agency mediates the conflict, the Company may have to prove the necessary steps taken to resolve the user's issue and follow the agency's proposed change.