SSS program users must abide by the following rules and guidelines.

WEMIX PTE. LTD. (hereinafter "this company" or "the company") operates its Streamer support program (hereinafter "SSS program" or "SSS") according to the following Streamer operation policy. The company provides service according to this policy, and users selected to be SSS program Streamers (hereinafter "Streamer" or "Streamers") must abide by this operation policy in their activities.                                                                                                    

The company may make changes to this operation policy to provide stable service. The company will announce changes to this operation policy on the SSS homepage or the official website for each game. The company recommends that all Streamers check this operation policy, as the company may not assist in cases where a Streamer receives disadvantages because the Streamer did not check the operation policy.                                                                                                    

The Streamer may receive support points (hereinafter "Seed" or "Seeds") from game users (hereinafter "user" or "users") from their Streamer activities, and each Streamer may receive payouts of the Awards from the company based on the Seeds they received, from the SSS program fund formed for each round (season).                                                                                                    

※ The Streamer has read and agree to the following with regards to the payouts of Award Seeds, prior to the payouts.

※ Refer to notices in the game’s official community for SSS season and payout related dates.                                                                                                    

※ The Terms of Service, and operation policies and privacy policies of games that the SSS service applies to, and other related laws, apply to matters not included in the operation policy.                                                                                                    


Article 1. Content Rules and Guidelines                                                                                                    

The Streamer may not take part in any activities that violate what is included in the notice or operation policy of each game, and upon violation may have their Streamer approval temporarily withdrawn or canceled. And illegal acts that violate existing law may be subject to legal measures.                                                                                                    

The Streamer is prohibited from taking part in any such activity as follows during the creation of content or streams, and upon violation may have their Streamer approval withdrawn or canceled (terminated), and must delete related content.                                                                                                    


1.1 Sexually explicit acts such as chat messages including sexual content against minors, and lewd acts including explicit sexual exposure and such chat messages                                                                                                    

1.2 Acts of illegal gambling and similar acts, and the promotion of such acts                                                                                                    

1.3 Acts that violate others’ rights such as spreading others’ personal information, and violating others’ copyright                                                                                                    

1.4 Acts that hinder the healthy affections of youth (such as excessive swearing, suggestive clothing, inappropriate remarks) and the inclusion of content such as other objects or websites that may be harmful to minors                                                                                                    

1.5 Acts of discrimination against or belittlement of disabled persons, regions, religions, races, or genders                                                                                                    

1.6 Other acts that are against existing law or go against societal customs                                                                                                    

1.7 Acts that damage the image of the company or the games                                                                                                    

1.8 Acts of creating content that promote the use of bugs such as items using errors or cheats in the game                                                                                                    

1.9 The Seeds and Awards accumulated until a Streamer’s approval is temporarily withdrawn or canceled may be collectively retrieved. The Streamer agrees that the Streamer has no rights to future Seeds and Awards that occur from the Support Code, and Seeds and Awards accumulated up until that point in time, once the Streamer’s approval is canceled.                                                                                                    

1.10 If a Streamer is found to have obtained Seeds or Awards using unjust methods, the Streamer’s approval is immediately revoked (registration canceled).                                                                                                    

1.11 And other acts that accumulate Seeds using unjust methods or go against societal norms other than as described above                                                                                                    


Article 2. Prohibition of Speculative Acts                                                                                                    

The Streamer is prohibited from holding events with prizes on their own (including speculative ones) related to the game, or hold prize giveaway promotions.                                                                                                    

The Streamer may not engage in or encourage acts such as providing cash or cash-like objects as prizes to receive Seeds from Supporters.                                                                                                    

If the Streamer’s activities are related to any image or activity that may be generally reminiscent of speculative games with prizes, casino-type games, or real-world gambling, such acts will not be allowed in any way, even if the act itself does not directly encourage any act of gambling.                                                                                                    


Article 3. Limit on Activities of Promotion                                                                                                    

The Streamer may not suggest or include marks that state that their content was created as a result of cooperation with this company as the agent of the SSS program or the main agent of the game service, or that their content is currently, or has been in the past, official content of the SSS program or of games or services to which the SSS program applies.                                                                                                    

The following legal notice should be included in material created for the promotion of game content videos.                                                                                                    

Content of notice: "This content was created individually by the Streamer, and is not supported, recommended, or managed by the company or the SSS program."                                                                                                    


Article 4. Advertisements                                                                                                    

In cases where content of the game has been introduced, used, or promoted, and in cases where videos including the support code are uploaded or live streamed, the relationship between the Streamer and the SSS program must be clearly stated, and the content of the videos must abide by the laws and regulations of the country and region of the Streamer's residence and nationality, as well as the related rules of each platform. All responsibilities that incur from failure to abide by advertisement rules that apply to the Streamer belong to the Streamer. And the Streamer must clearly state that the Streamer is able to receive payouts from the supported Seeds from Streamer activities through the SSS program.                                                                                                    

Statement example: #advertisement, #SSS, the Streamer may receive the supported Seeds as Awards through participation in #SSS.                                                                                                    

Make such statements visible in an area where the viewers of the videos can easily perceive.                                                                                                    

In cases where the Streamer has violated this Article and incurred losses for the company, the company may cancel the Streamer's support approval, and the Streamer must compensate for all damages incurred to the company.                                                                                                    

The company may use, without compensation, videos and created content (that include the game's name or uses related hashtags in the title of description) among the Streamer's posted content for secondary creations, on the official website and on social media channels for the purposes of promoting the game. However, for use of the aforementioned created content, the company will give prior notice to the creator for "use of content," and the creator agrees to this.                                                                                                    


Article 5. Receiving of Awards through Support for Streamers                                                                                                    

Streamers may receive Seeds from Supporters from their Streamer activities, and each Streamer may receive payouts of the Awards from the company, based on the ratio of the Seeds they received against the SSS program fund formed for each round (season).                                                                                                    

Supporters can accumulate Seeds according to a certain ratio upon purchase of paid products in the game, and may use the accumulated Seeds to support the Streamer they wish to support.                                                                                                    

Streamers can receive Awards by requesting a payout of the supported Seeds.                                                                                                    


Article 6. Streamer Applications and Rewards                                                                                                    

The SSS program is a support program provided by the company for Streamers that stream using content of the game on platforms such as Facebook and Twitch, including the platform YouTube, which is required for all Streamer applications.                                                                                                    

Users of 19 years or above who stream game content may apply to be Streamers to participate in the Streamer support program, according to the requirements of each game that the SSS program applies to.                                                                                                    

Among all application, the company selects appropriate users as Streamers based on internal standards, and issues a support code for each selected Streamer. However, there may be a continuous review process that applies to all Streamers after selection on their Streamer approval, and Streamer approval may be canceled according to results of the review process.                                                                                                    

A separate verification code that is not related to the support code will be issued during the Streamer application process, and this verification code is to be used for email verification during the Streamer application approval step.                                                                                                    

The digital asset wallet synchronized to each game account cannot be changed, and payouts are made to the method synchronized to each game account.                                                                                                    

Supporters automatically accumulate Seeds upon purchase of paid products in the game, and may use the accumulated Seeds to support the Streamer they wish to support. The valid date of the Seeds owned by Supporters that are not used to support a Streamer is until the end of each season, and expires after.                                                                                                    

SSS may set a limit on the accumulation of Seeds and exchanging of Awards according to operational needs, and such information will be disclosed on the website.                                                                                                    

Each Streamer may check an estimated amount of their supported Seeds and estimated payout amount according to Seeds in my page. However, the estimated payout amount and the actual payout amount of Awards may differ.                                                                                                    


Article 7. Payout Method & Seed Validity Date and Expiration                                                                                                    

The Seeds that the Streamer receives are valid until the point in time from which payout requests may be made. However, if a Streamer has not made a payout request in the previous round even after the payout requests have already started for a round and the validity of the Seeds for that round have expired, or if a Streamer has not received Awards because the Streamer's payout request has been rejected, the payout amount for that season is valid; and the Streamer may receive the sum of the payout amount for each round if the season has not ended.                                                                                                    

Each Streamer may request a payout for each round; only the first request may be made for each round, and may not be canceled or changed afterwards. If a payout request is deferred at the company's discretion, the Streamer may make a request again during a separately notified period, and may not make a request after that period has ended.                                                                                                    

Seeds issued to game users upon purchase of paid products in the game expire immediately upon refund of the purchased paid products, and such Seeds also expire immediately upon refund of the purchased paid products after the Seeds are used by Supporters to support Streamers.                                                                                                    

Please be aware that, if a Streamer's approval is canceled or their contract terminated (including cases where the company cancels or terminates the contract for reasons such as violation of the terms or at the Streamer's voluntary request), all Seeds that the Streamer had expire regardless of the validity date of the Seeds, and that neither Supporter support history nor Seed accumulation history can be viewed.                                                                                                    


Article 8. Duties of the Streamer                                                                                                    

Streamers selected as SSS Streamers must upload content regularly while a season is ongoing. If a Streamer is found to be unsuitable for the requirements after a season has ended, a limit may be placed on their Streamer activities. Refer to the notices on the game homepage or the SSS FAQ for specific requirements such as requirements for appropriate content.                                                                                                    


Article 9. Withdrawal of Streamer Approval                                                                                                    

In cases where the Streamer has stopped playing the game (for example, by deleting a game character or characters), or has their approval temporarily withdrawn (Support turned OFF) at the company’s discretion, the Streamer may not be supported with Seeds from that point on, and may not be active as a Streamer and may not exercise their rights as a Streamer (such as requesting payouts) until their approval is returned.                                                                                                    

While a Streamer is banned (for example, their approval temporarily withdrawn), they may not receive Seeds, and once their approval has been returned, they must manually change (turn ON) the support feature on the SSS official website’s Streamer my page to start getting Seeds again.                                                                                                    

A Streamer may contact the SSS customer support center or the customer support center of a game participating in the SSS program to submit an enquiry to request the removal of a Streamer ban.                                                                                                    


Article 10. Withdrawing as a Streamer                                                                                                    

Streamers may withdraw from being a Streamer even during Streamer activities.                                                                                                    

On withdrawing as a Streamer, the Streamer’s information may be deleted, destroyed, or stored, for a set period of time following the privacy policy.                                                                                                    

The Seeds that expired after withdrawing as a Streamer may not be restored, so please consider carefully before requesting to withdraw.                                                                                                    

A Streamer whose approval has been canceled after requesting to withdraw as a Streamer may apply to be a Streamer again. However, also in such cases, their previously owned Seeds will not be restored.                                                                                                    

To withdraw as a Streamer, make a request after payouts have been completed.                                                                                                    


Article 11. Compensation for Damages by Streamers

If a minor steals the account of a parent or another adult, and this act incurs damages to the company, the account’s Streamer approval is withdrawn and must compensate for all damages incurred to the company.                                                                                                    

The Streamer may not partake in any act that violates related laws or societal norms, including this policy, during their Streamer activities. If any illegal or unlawful acts including violation of this operational policy incur damages to the company, the Streamer must take responsibility for compensation for all damages incurred to the company.                                                                                                    


This policy is valid from the moment a Streamer registers until the Streamer's approval is canceled or the Streamer compensates for damages incurred.